Thursday, November 14, 2019

Oh hey! Motor Trend got me FIRST in the SEMA gallery!!!

Another exciting thing that happened to me is that I'm featured first in Motor Trend's SEMA gallery!

I'm also in their Overland article:

I'm in Adventure Rigs Magazine - FIRST EDITION!

It's such an honor to be in the premiere magazine of Adventure Rigs Mag. The print version was released at SEMA so it was just icing on the cake.

Check out the online article shot by Brian aka @itsjustbrian Instagram. Written by yours truly.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

SEMA is over!!!

I've been really busy with the SEMA build, then getting to SEMA and now back home to get to work and prepare for the baby.

Now here's some vids. I need to finish getting home to finish my journey to and fro. I gotta say I'm so fortunate to have this happen to me.

I just about lost hope and I things turned around!

Don't ever lose hope!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Patches and Key tags are finally here!!!

I've been asked by subscribers about this kinda swag for some time and I finally have been able to come up with a concept that I love and hope you will too!

Shout out to Kevin aka @shred_n_tread on instagram for the design help!

I wanted to have a checkout website for this but it was getting complicated so I'm using my blog for the time being.

Prices include shipping to US States and other locations that 1 or 2 Forever stamps US Postal mails to. If it's out of the country that requires additional postage please email me first ( to confirm total costs....

Alright to make payment go here

Be sure to put shipping address in the comments field so I know where to send it to you!

3 inch 100% embroidered patch - $13 shipped in USA

Keytag 4 inches long by 1.25 inches. embroidered words on both sides "RDM Pros" and "#FANCY"

This is for ONE keytag. This is what you see on each side.

$13 shipped in USA

For a limited time... buy both for $22 shipped in USA!!! 

 to make payment go here

Thank you so much for your support.  Proceeds go to creating more giveaway items and operating costs to produce and ship giveaway items.


Friday, August 2, 2019

Busy Summer!

Wow it's been really busy with the news of a new family member and going to meets/shows.

It's been great though and looking forward to meeting more folks.

Here's a few vids if you don't watch my YouTube channel or missed a few episodes.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

How to adjust headlights on your 3rd generation Toyota Tacoma

So check out the video on how to adjust them for the Tacoma:

Below is the official adjustments I promised to find. I like to aim them right below the trunk level of a regular car so I don't shine them up.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Happy Friday!

Been some time and been super busy. Jump to my YouTube channel and especially Instagram @_robdaman for current issues and news.

I'm loving my latest edtion. What do you think?

Featured Post

My DIY splitter / lip for the R. Cheap mod!

Today I made my own splitter. I used my old Kerscher lip as a template to cut out some 1/4 inch ABS sheeting. Used my heat gun to make t...